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Jesus said, I have come that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly.


Australian Light Horsemen Picture

Advanced Notice

Watch for news about this important event in our history.

I believe it is important that every Australian
should be aware of this historical biblical event.


Read it here below and consider sharing it

- so people hear it first from YOU.



The city of Beersheba had been under the rule of the Ottoman Empire since the seventh century.  The Emperor Hadrian in the first century, ordered Jerusalem razed to the ground.  Christians and Jews were forbidden to enter on pain of death. Yet God had promised in Scripture to return his chosen people to their own land.

According to an article in the Jerusalem Post on 29 October 2007, ‘…the Australian victory in 1917 set in train some remarkable events—the liberation of Jerusalem, the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the British Mandate in Palestine and ultimately the establishment of the State of Israel.’ The same article highlights a little known fact: the timing of the Light Horse charge at 4:30 pm appears to have coincided with a historic decision made in London in support of the establishment of the State of Israel. Although not officially made public until 3 days later, nevertheless it seems that, allowing for the time zone difference, this decision was made at the same hour as the attack on Beersheba on October 31.


I have taken the liberty of attaching a portion from a book “The ANZAC Call” authored by Jill Curry.

This sets out some of the celebration activities that are being organised in Israel and Australia.

Maybe you can see where you and your organisation can play a part?

Jill Curry’s  http://beersheba100.com.au/ is very helpful.

This is one of those very rare occasions where we can connect our history to an obvious biblical prophecy.

My desire is to see all people come to a better understanding of the Lord’s work in our past, present and future.

Graham McDonald

I do trust that this is helpful - appreciate any thoughts or comments.


Every blessing,

Graham McDonald

Executive Officer

The DIDUNO Network

0403 190 103