Even More Kids Questions Answered
Peter Harris has been busy answering even more Kids Questions.
He is also overseeing his own website: www.theanswerer.com.au
Q171: Why was Jesus and Mary chosen on earth as Jesus guardians?
Q171: Why was Mary and Joseph chosen on earth as Jesus guardians?
Thank you for a good question- I had not thought of it before. First-I guess that God knew that they were ‘Good for the job’, the right people and He knew that they would not mess it up. Think about it: God must have thought:”Who can I trust with this job-I need a couple with integrity above normal people.”
Because God, somehow, knows our every thought, He knew Mary, even though only a teenager, would do the right thing as the Archangel Gabriel unfolded the future to her. Gabriel came to Mary, while she was engaged to Joseph and told her: “Congratulations favoured lady! The Lord is with you...God has decided to wonderfully bless you’... ‘You will become pregnant..” (All in Luke Chapter 1 verses 26 to 38) There is much more in there too. Most men in those days would have had Mary publicly stoned to death for such an affair...’an angel visited you- rubbish! You can’t get pregnant without having sex’. Joseph had not yet had sex with Mary. But Joseph was a man of integrity too. (Integrity means without serious faults or weaknesses.)
Matthew tells of Joseph’s character.”Then Joseph, her fiancé (husband to be), being a man of stern principle (a just man) decided to break the engagement but to do it quietly, as he didn’t want to publicly disgrace her.” There is a gentleman who cares for another person’s feelings!
An angel came to him in a dream and told him the whole story about him(Joseph), being from the line of David and to fulfill Biblical prophecy that tells about a virgin having a Son. Joseph accepted the angel’s message and had no sexual relations with Mary until after the birth of Jesus. (That’s in Matthew Chapter 1:verses 18 to 25)
So God chose a ‘Son of David’(Joseph)and Mary to raise Jesus to manhood because He knew they were the best couple for the task.
Q172: Why does he let people die and become murderers and kidnappers?
Q172. “What is the meaning of life?”
Thank you for a truly great question. Many ‘groan-ups’ never think of it, but it is very important to think about.
I guess that because I believe in God, ‘The meaning of life’ involves Jesus and life after death because we humans are only here on earth for 70 to 80 years. Not very long really if you realise that Moses and Elijah ‘came back’ and were with Jesus for a little while and talking with him. Peter, James and John saw them talking-and Moses had been dead for a thousand or more years,and Elijah for over 500 years (see Mathew Ch.17 Verses 1 to 9). It is interesting to note that Jesus told the three disciples. “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”(v.9) ‘Wow! What’s he mean?’ I wonder what they thought of that? So, life after death has indeed, got a lot to do with the meaning of life.
If a person does not believe in God, then, as one of my ‘rellies’ said: “When you die you’re dead and that’s the end.” I guess that means you are like an animal in the wild: a buffalo, zebra, bird,a rabbit or a camel and so on. It dies and the body decays and only bones are left.
I believe that man (people) have a living soul, put there by God and a spirit too. This is tricky to understand: man is three parts: body, soul and spirit. God made us that way: the body is what you can see, our soul is who we are in our thoughts and behaviour and these can change as we grow up and our spirit is the immortal ‘God’ part that goes to God when we die. Our soul and spirit and very much ‘one’ in that my dictionary says: soul:’spiritual and immortal part of human being’ and: spirit:’life principle animating a body’.
When we die our ‘earthly remains’ are buried in a grave; or as some people like, cremated and their ashes kept for remembrance sake, mostly in a container called an urn, or are sometimes scattered over that persons favourite place like the sea or a forest.
So, I believe that we are born onto this earth to learn about everything we can, including God, having a wife or husband with a family and living a good useful life and be prepared for death to be in heaven with Jesus after we die.
While living here,I believe we should learn to have common sense, love (true care) for others and to leave this world a better place for us having been here. Look up at the sky on a clear night: “Who made the 400 billion stars up there?” (that’s our galaxy The Milky Way). There are thousands, or maybe millions of other galaxies as well. Who, or what, caused them or made them? We humans are really only a very small spec on an exceptionally beautiful planet,in an ordinary ‘Solar system’ in a corner of The Milky Way. Yet, God’s son came here to show us the way, die for us and guarantee a place in heaven- if we want it. That is ‘Good News’ indeed. I often wonder is there life in other galaxies. Are we (us) the only living souls in the whole universe? I think ‘No, there must be others’.
A very popular song in the 1950s (when I was young) was ‘Nature boy’ sung by popular guy named Johnny Rae. Two lines I recall were: “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return.” Jesus also said as much to his 12 disciples “A new commandment I give you, that you love one another as I have loved you.”(John chapter 13: verse 34)
To ‘love’ someone does not mean you have to like that person. It means you treat them like Jesus would have you treat them, with compassion and fairness.(‘love’ has at least four other meanings). I think that I can say truthfully:’love is the foundation of the whole Bible, God’s love for his created children-us’.
Finally dear reader: God gave us a sense of humour-laughing at something funny. Do look for good clean fun because laughter produces endorphins in our body, and they are very good for your health and mental outlook. That has been proved true by scientists:eg. “What did the hat say to the necklace?” “You go on ahead and I’ll hang around.” And: “What did the shorts say to the shirt as mum put them in the washing machine?” “I’ll see you on the clothes line- that’s where we hang out.”
Q173: Why do we die?
Q173: Why do we die?
Q.173. “Does Jesus have any enemies?”
“Yes.” He certainly does, as He did when He was here on the earth. A quick read of the Bible could give the impression that everybody loved Him. Not so. Jesus upset the religious and political leaders- the Pharisees and Temple Priests because most of them were cheating the ordinary people and living ‘The good life’; even cheating widows! Jesus gave them a terrible tongue–lashing (told them off) in Matthew Chapter 23). There were no books, radios or newspapers then for the ordinary people to discover for themselves just what the Bible said. People only found out about God from what their leaders told them; and in many places the leaders changed the ‘rules’ to suit them and neglected compassion and a ‘fair go’ as we understand it today in Australia.
Some Christian leaders today would not ‘Pass the test’ in Jesus’ eyes because they ‘Love the praises of men’ and preach the Bible to make money and to have people say nice things to them, and about them. Some people just crave the praise of other people. Jesus did not.
Q174: “What did God make on the seventh day in creation in the old testament?”
Q174: “What did God make on the seventh day in creation in the old testament?”
I reckon he would have made a cuppa tea, got a biscuit and had a lie down! The Bible simply says :” So on the seventh day, having finished His task, God ceased from the work he had been doing, and God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he ceased this work of creation.”(Genesis Ch.2:verse2-3,The Living Bible)
Why did I put in the bit about a cuppa tea? For a bit of fun- but also to indicate that He may have been tired. Read Genesis chapter one – it would seem a mighty lot of work even if He had ten zillion angels helping.
So- what did God make? He made an ordinance to rest on the seventh day and that is in The Ten Commandments.:“Remember to observe the Sabbath as a holy day. Six days a week are for your daily duties and your regular work, but the seventh day is a day of Sabbath rest before the Lord your God.”(Exodus Ch.20.Verse 8-9)
Today the Christian church only partly follows this commandment. Some say that Jesus changed it because salvation removed that requirement and every day is a day to worship and do work for Him. Policemen, doctors, nurses, firemen and so on must work on ‘Sabbath’ day, (Sunday). The Jewish people and Seventh Day Adventist people worship on Saturday which they call the Sabbath. A bit confusing sometimes isn’t it.
Jesus was accused by the Temple religious leaders for doing work on the Sabbath. Jesus asked them: “If your cow falls into a pit,don’t you proceed at once to get it out”(see Luke Ch.14:verses 1 to 6) They were humiliated because Jesus showed them up as hypocrites for not having common sense. Of course you would help a cow out of a pit on the Sabbath.
In Jerusalem today, some Jews throw rocks at other Jews who drive to the Synagogue in their Mercedes cars-that’s work on the Sabbath they say, and say that all Jews should walk to the synagogue. I heard that on the radio. Bit of a problem there.
A little personal view: At 80 years old now, I find that the society I live in seems to be going too fast. We never seem to slow down to ‘smell the flowers’,to be still and just rest. Too many people work too much or too hard, get Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, have mental or emotional problems and get just ‘worn out’ and finish up in a hospital having a forced rest. Maybe God did know that a day of rest is best for us all.
Q175: ”How long was he alive for?”
Q175: ”How long was he alive for?”
Jesus lived until 33 years of age. Mary and Joseph raised him till he was 30 years old – that’s when Jesus began his public ministry. So Jesus was only ‘in the public eye’ for three (3) years which does not seem a very long time. However in that three years Jesus changed the world. No other person raised the dead, healed the sick and caused the lame to walk,the blind to see and his name is still highly respected, and his words reprinted in millions of bibles all over the world. The Bible is the world’s No.1 selling book.
Q176: “How did God come alive?”
Q176 “How did God come alive?”
Because we know almost nothing of God’s origin I am going to assume you mean ‘How did Jesus come alive after he died.’
There are many prophecies in the Old Testament about Jesus birth and his life. Jesus, in the New Testament (that’s in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) spoke often of his own death and later resurrection (coming back to life). ‘What?’ The disciples must have thought-‘come back to life- nobody does that.’ I would have thought the same: ‘Who can come back to life- nobody else ever has’.
So,we now have a miracle, from God the Father in Heaven. He did it because nobody on earth has that kind of power. How did He do it? Well truthfully, I just cannot tell you how God did it and neither can anybody else down here on earth. It is, and always will,be a mystery,until we see God. He can do anything!
You too will live again after your body dies and somehow, you, and all others will stand before God. Some of us will be very happy- others will be very scared and afraid. Check out some of the other questions like:”What happens after you die?” (Q.118) You can be one of the happy ones if you choose to be.
Q177: “Where did he come from?” and “When was God born?” and “How old is God.” and “When is God’s birthday?”
Q177. “Where did he come from?” and “When was God born?” and “How old is God.” and “When is God’s birthday?”
Nobody knows. I shall be very interested in how God came to be, as well as the Milky Way, the earth and many other things. I think we shall find out after we die and get to heaven without having to ask God himself for the details.
‘Where God came from?’,I think we would all like to know. But also: How he dreamed up flowers, birds, kangaroos, polar bears (how can they swim for miles in freezing water?), elephants and much more. I just cannot believe that they all evolved from a common ancestor in a swamp 60 million, or billion, years ago. Oh!– and woodpeckers, my favourites! They can use their beak to peck out a nesthole, five times bigger than itself- in a dead tree. The nesthole is for his wife and children. Marvellously designed and no brain damage either in pecking that nest. He sends woodchips and sawdust flying at around 400 to 600 hits a minute. And, the rat-a-tat–tat-tat sound echoes through the forest and attracts the lady woodpeckers. Marvellous! None in Australia because I guess our trees are ‘Hardwood’ trees. Woodpeckers live where ‘softwood’ trees are.
Q178: “I wonder what god looks like?” and “Is God human like us does he look like us.?”
Q178. “I wonder what god looks like?” and “Is God human like us does he look like us.?”
He is ‘Majestic!’ Quite beyond anything we could imagine. There are no pictures of God- only artists ideas of what they think God looks like. There are many references in scripture and they are,to me,a bit confusing. Jesus said: “If you have seen me you have seen the father.” And :”I,and the Father are one.” Jesus makes no mention that they both ‘look’ the same in appearance. Maybe Jesus meant in love, compassion and a deep care for people and the ability to perform miracles.
I fear that if we really knew what God looked like-his face would be on breakfast cereal boxes, cool drinks bottles etc. “Yuk!” Who would want that? In the Old Testament when God’s voice was heard the mountain shook (and the people too) and they begged Moses to save them. (See Exodus Ch 19:1-2)
In the book in the Bible called ‘Revelation’ there are several descriptions of God’s majestic appearance and power. Not all of them to be taken literally. Starts in Revelation Ch. 4.
Q179: “I talk to God, but he doesn’t talk back like everyone says he does. Why is that? I’ve tried and tried talking to him.”
Q179. “I talk to God, but he doesn’t talk back like everyone says he does. Why is that? I’ve tried and tried talking to him.”
God loves you for being brave enough to ask this question,and it is about the most important question I have ever been asked. Why is that? Prayer is the‘secret ingredient’ from God.
Back 400 years before Jesus came along a prophet called Habakkuk asked God a few ‘Whys” as kids do today. eg: “Oh Lord, how long must I call for help before you will listen? I shout to you in vain;there is no answer. “Help! Murder!”I cry but no one comes to save.Must I forever see sin and sadness all around me?”(Habakkuk. Ch.1: verses 2-3) Many pray that prayer today!! God has His own plans- OK?
It is the most important question because most Christians never grasp just how important it is to pray- and not give up, but to trust God to answer your petition (request)in his own way and in His own time. PHEW! ‘In his own way and in His own time-why not now! I need an answer today!’ We can all feel like that sometimes.
Very little is written in the Bible about how and what to pray.There are examples of people praying for specific things.
Hannah was childless for years. She pleaded with God for years for a son. She finally got one,Samuel, who came to be one of the godliest men in the Bible and a ‘King of Israel’.(see 1 Samuel,Chapter 1:verses 1 to 28). Those two books:The First Book of Samuel(known as 1 Samuel) and Second book of Samuel(known as 2 Samuel) contain many dramatic encounters with God and the enemies of Israel defeating Israel-and Israel defeating her enemies.
In there, David becomes King of Israel after the death,(by suicide) of King Saul- the king Israel pleaded for and I suppose prayed for from God. Samuel told them :’An earthly king will not work out for your good.’ But they refused to listen and demanded an earthly king. Be assured hundreds of books, maybe thousands, have been written on prayer. Prayer, An invitation to Meet with God. is the latest one I have bought, from Insight for Living, (IFL)at 78 years old! Prayer is not easy. Insight for living is very good group and can be found on the www.
Jesus found prayer essential in his life. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed (Mark,Ch1: verse 35) and “After leaving them, he went up on a mountainside to pray.” (Mark,Ch. 9, verse 46). and “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. (Luke.Chapter 5,verse 16).Jesus needed prayer to get through the day’s work.
The scriptures never tell what or how Jesus prayed while he was alone with God. That is where Jesus got the strength to carry out God’s plans for him while he was here on the earth.
So you see prayer is not easy to learn or to describe. A quick prayer is easy- but sacrificial prayer- prayer that ‘costs’ you time by leaving other things not done just to commune,to be quiet and think a about God– without distractions is where we learn about God and his ways.
As a teacher I ought to ask you: “Did you pray for the right things?” like a new Iphone,Bluetooth,Blueray or a new bike. (I don’t know exactly what those ‘Gizmos’ really are). I prayed to win the lottery as a youth. It was a silly prayer.
You say: ‘he doesn’t talk back like people say he does’. Sorry,but God does not ‘talk back’ like on a telephone. If someone told you that He does-they were very wrong- or they did not fully explain what they meant. God only spoke like that with Moses- a very long time ago. Moses was a special man to God then,and God needed to make things plain to the people by telling them things they needed to know-through Moses. Moses was – and still is, very much respected by Jews (Hebrews or Israelies) and Christians. Moses wrote, or dictated, much of the first books of the Bible.
May I suggest that you take time to read about the life of Jesus (John or Luke to begin with) and ask God to direct your thoughts to what He wants you to know. It works. May God continue to guide and bless you.
In closing I have always found two Bible bits very helpful. The obvious one is the Lord’s prayer. That is Jesus’ response to the disciples request :”Lord- teach us how to pray.” Jesus replied briefly, but almost perfectly, and referred to about every problem or trouble we may have: “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.” And so on. Have a read of that prayer- it is short, concise and just about covers all of our needs-we all need to know it well. (See it in Matthew Ch.6¨verses 5 to 15; and in Luke Ch.11 verses 1-4)
I also have a favourite verse from Saint Paul:”Always be joyful. Always keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” (That’s in First Thessalonians ch.5 in verse 16-18)(The Living Bible) It is sometimes just not possible to be joyful always because we are imperfect human beings and feel pain and hurt a lot.BUT,later, we can see that God was there- working something out,in us, and that mostly takes time and HE uses other people to help .
A few hints: Have a Bible (most churches will give you one if you cannot afford it) and a piece of card of your favourite colour. Write on the card things you want God to ‘attend to’.Like: ‘Help me to see the good things in my brother, sister, friend or whoever-instead of only seeing the wrongs they do. Help me to be kinder to others/ may others be kinder to me.’ ‘Please heal my friend who is sick- and bless the doctors helping her’. (use your own shorthand, not long sentences). Ask Him to forgive your sins too).
Thank God for the good things you have. (home, warm bed,food and friends etc). Ask God to help those who don’t have these things. In a column, or on the other side, write down the date when your prayers were answered. When you just run out of words or prayers just say “May Your will be done in my friend Jimmy Smith.” Prayer is not easy- it takes up time and effort, but God hears you and is very pleased that you care enough to ask for his help and your life will be better for it;and that is truth. Praying gets easier as you grow older.
Q180: “How did he create all of the things in the world and how did he come up with names for them?”
Q180: “How did he create all of the things in the world and how did he come up with names for them?”
The second part of this is easy...Adam named them, and where and how Adam got the names is amazing indeed. The Bible says: ”So the Lord God formed from the soil every kind of animal and bird,and brought them to the man (Adam) to see what he would call them; and whatever he called them that was their name.( Genesis ch.2 Verses 19 to 20).
I wonder how he brought the crocodile to Adam?” Be careful!
And there are tens of thousands of different species of birds and animals. I wonder just how fast God made them,and Adam named ‘em at the same speed. (When I see Adam one day I’ll congratulate him on a job well done).
Now the hard part- ‘How did God create all of the things in the world-well I don’t know, “Sorry.” But this I do believe,a loving ,creative mind created it all. I cannot conceive in my mind that butterflies, hummingbirds, (they can fly backwards), whales, tigers, racehorse goannas (perenties), wedgetail eagles and condors, willie wagtails and so many others-came to be by evolution. Makes my mind boggle to think that it all happened with no guiding hand of a creator. I say God did it all, but I don’t know how,and neither does anybody else. “Sorry.” again, but I truly believe that in heaven all secrets will be revealed. One secret I would like to discover is what lies at the centre of the Milky Way. It must be ‘Very cool’ because the Milky Way, that’s the whole galaxy, goes around every 200 million years. How can scientists know that? Better brains than mine! And, “How come none of those 400 million stars need a Yo-Yo string to hold ‘em from banging into each other?” Gravity holds ‘em!
Q181: ”I wonder what heaven looks like?”
The Prophet Habakkuk had many a question for God too- just like Yr. Seven kids!! “Why then do you tolerate the treacherous? Why are you silent while the wicked swallow those more righteous than themselves?” Habakkuk.Ch1: verse 4) And many other complaints he had too. God gave us ‘Free will’-the choice to do right or wrong and it brings out some nasty things in some of us. When Moses and Elijah ‘came back’ and were talking with Jesus (see Q.172) Peter, James and John did not run up and ask those two ’Great Old Testament Heroes’:”Hey you Guys! What’s it like up there?” Peter usually spoke first and thought later- But Jesus still dearly loved him. We can only learn from Jesus and trust Him to make it good because He said: “I go to prepare a place for you.” Not just His disciples- but for all who love Him. Jesus also said to them:”And if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again to take you there so we can always be together.”(John Chapter 14: verse3-4)). So, I must be careful and not print what I think and want heaven to be. That’s easy; but not the truth. I do get a bit annoyed with some Christian mobs who print lovely pictures of ‘heaven’. They cannot know what it will be like!! This I do know: “If Jesus promises something-it happens-both the good and not-so-good, it will happen”. He is getting heaven ready, HOORAY! Don’t you be the last in the queue and maybe get the job as street sweeper up there! I have spent some time on the WWW reading up on reincarnation. I did a test and I shall come back as a Rhino! Heck! They’re ugly! Seems that I am not too bad a person after all.(it was ‘Reincarnation Station’ on the www) I cannot accept it! “I consider myself ‘good’, but who is the judge?” “Who decides if I have told the truth” I have no idea who judges me. Am on my on my way ‘Up’-or ‘Down’?! On the WWW there were many quotes to agree with reincarnation. Napoleon is quoted, but he contradicts other very good things he had said about Jesus. (Napoleon was a dictator who ruled France, but seemed to love going to war. He finished up with France broke (no money)and him in disgrace) One quote on the WWW takes a story about Jesus healing a blind man. The writer claims that the blind man was in reincarnation but fails to tell the whole story of what Jesus said. Actually the disciples asked Jesus “Was the man born blind because of his parents sin or his own sin?”.Jesus told why the man was born blind: “...to demonstrate the power of God.” There are six or eight stories in this chapter nine of John’s gospel). Very gripping to read about how politics and Jesus ‘split’ the people as to just who was right. Jesus healed the blind man on the Sabbath. That was a ‘Big no no’ to work on the Sabbath. It is hilarious in that the poor blind bloke shamed the religious leaders who called him:“...an illegitimate b*^*@**”,and threw him out of the Synagogue. Very entertaining story indeed (John Ch.9). To sum up on a quite big subject: Only the Bible tells the future,and has never been wrong. It also covers the whole spectrum of life of people-individuals and people generally. It tells of life’s beginning, how to love and survive, the bit in-between (living) and the assured end in heaven. EVERYBODY thinks about heaven and what lies beyond. Only the Bible tells of one who said he would be killed and come back to life again-and who says that we can have the same life after our death(a spiritual body). “Yes.” There is life after death but not in the body of an animal-and this was spoken by Jesus who knew all about God, life, death and heaven. And lastly: I saw on TV an Indian man ‘earning credits’ for life after death. He was covering a hundred miles or more...by prostrating himself full length on the dusty ground and making a mark there. Then standing up on the mark, knelt down with his arms outstretched to prostrate himself full length again at the last mark-and make a new one. In this manner he intended for carry on for days or weeks, to have his ‘god’ take note of his devotion to that ‘god’. That surely borders on crazy! Jesus’ people(the serious ones) may ‘Answer a call from God’ and go as a doctor, nurse, teacher,physio,agricultural worker or maybe a pilot in Africa, South America and in some of the most basic, unpleasant places on earth to set up hospitals, nursing stations etc- where there was nothing- to help sick people. Many-and I know dozens of them, spend ten, twenty or even fifty years of their lives healing the sick and improving the lives of millions- in the name of Jesus-and telling of Jesus who freely forgives our sins. No ‘duties’ or ‘work’ are required, they volunteer to go! Their expenses are paid voluntarily by Christians at home. Maybe that’s why refugees badly want to come to ‘Christian’ countries where the Ten Commandments are the basis of government and how the people live. Jesus said of those who hurt little children:”It will be terrible for people who cause even one of my little followers to sin. (to stumble or to hurt their conscience). Those people would be better off thrown into the deepest part of the ocean with a heavy stone tied around their necks!” (Matthew 18 : verse 6) Better off than what? Jesus didn’t say. I can only guess: To be drowned in the deepest sea meant death-but worse would be to be tormented alive in hell-and it goes on forever and ever. Children were very precious to Jesus. e.g.: On one occasion some mothers brought their children to Jesus to ask Him to bless them. The disciples, thinking of children as unimportant wanted to chase them away. ‘No way!’:“Once when some mothers were bringing their children to Jesus to bless them, the disciples shooed them away, telling them not to bother Him. But when Jesus saw what was happening he was very much displeased with his disciples and said to them ”Let the children come to me, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as they. Don’t send them away! I tell you as seriously as I know how that anyone who refuses to come to God as a little child will never be allowed into his kingdom.” Then he took the children into his arms and placed his hands on their heads and he blessed them.” (That’s in Mark Chapter 10 verses 13 to 16) ‘As seriously as I know how.’ is an unusual emphasis on the words Jesus was saying- so read it again-OK. And I think it is the only place where Jesus was ‘very much displeased with his disciples’. Innocent children are so very special. Things like child abuse;(physical, sexual and emotional abuse) are very high up on the list. That is Jesus talking of children in (Matthew Ch. 18:verse 6) Innocent children...some up to 15 or 16 included. Children don’t know how to fight off an adult and were always very special to Jesus. (If you do not understand ‘physical, sexual and emotional abuse’ find a trusted adult and ask them to explain it all to you. Children cannot imagine just how evil some adults can be) Some ordinary means of getting into hell: Be greedy and selfish, be uncaring of others and selfish, be first in line always and selfish, have no time for others,and never help those in need. Murder, assault, bank robbery, wife bashing and housebreaking do not help your record when you stand before God on Judgement day. Judgement Day is when we all stand before God and He separates those who were selfish-and those who were not. The unselfish ones thought of others who needed help of some sort and did not hold back from giving it.(Matthew 25:verse31- 46) It could be said that the little things-for others, is very helpful on Judgement day. Murder, bank robbery and theft etc.are always bad and on the TV. But we will ALL have to answer for the things we did on earth. Remember this : “But if we confess our sins to Him, He can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.(And it is perfectly proper for God to do this because Christ died to wash away our sins.)” (That is from John’s First letter Ch.1 Verse 9,(not The Gospel of John)We all need forgiveness for the wrong things we do. So,child abuse is first and carries the harshest penalty. Others are very bad- but people can change, be forgiven and avoid hell- but emotionally damaged children mostly, cannot be restored. Think upon that-please. And lastly: ‘Banksters’,Big’ people with power to wring (steal)money from the ‘little’, powerless ordinary people will stand before the Throne of God to answer for their huge- colossal greed-that caused so many to be so poor in the GFC (Global Financial crisis)in 2008. Our soul which is different, but very much a part of our spirit, is what sort of person we develop into by our thinking, planning, behaviour,our attitude in how we help or hinder other people in our lives. All that is weighed up (judged) by God who then decides if we spend eternity with God-or away from Him. Jesus told a story of a guy who was very rich and uncaring of others and a guy who was very sick and poor. They both died around the same time. One went to ‘Heaven’ the other to ‘hell’. There is a separation, and no other place was mentioned by Jesus in that story.(Luke Ch.16:verses 19 to 31). And in case you were wondering we choose in this life which place we go to. I don’t believe that there is some place where we can ‘make up for lost time and bad behaviour’ by being ‘Good’ for X number of years. Why do I say this? Because the Bible is- and has been ‘The Good Book’ for over 5,000 years. It has been the world’s ‘Best seller’ for yonks, the only religious handbook that tells the future and has never been wrong. It predicted the Messiah’s (Jesus) life in quite small detail-which has all come true- save for a few future events. Can any other religious handbook claim that? You decide!! The sacrifice was made to ‘...cover the sins of the person offering the sacrifice.’...and it cost them money too! God got very, very angry when people who knew better, offered imperfect sacrifices,(sick or injured animals) and punished them for it. So,in order to ‘...die for our sins’, Jesus knew that to sin would make him unacceptable to God as a sacrifice for us. He therefore kept himself-with God’s help- free from sin. And, understand, not everyone is in good health, having a good life and does not want it to come to an end. Some begin life sick-and stay sick all through life. We die...so we can go and be with God in heaven where:”He will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying,nor pain. All that has gone forever.” Revelation chapter 21:Verses 2 to 4.) We die and go there if we choose to. At 80 years plus, this writer is looking forward to that trip. One in five children in Western Australia are abused in some way at sometime. Few of them understand just how evil some grown up people can be. I guess the next in line would be males (men is too good a word for them) who get drunk and come home and belt up their wives while the kids are there. Gutless males of the worst kind. Next come drug dealers who hook young people to make money from them. Then bank robbers, murderers,Banksters (executives of huge banks and businesses) who use their power and influence to rob millions of ’Little people’ of their savings. The same sort of ‘Robber’ was around when Jesus was here. Joseph suffered much, but eventually realised that God had planned all the bad things that happened and God knew that Joseph- even though suffering a lot, was made of ‘The right stuff’. God’s hand was in it all and the nation of ‘Israel’ was founded on Abraham ,Isaac,Jacob, (Israel) and his 12 sons and Joseph’s persisting in doing right and not fighting God’s plan. This writer (The Answerer) fell at home and has spent 39 years in a wheelchair. Somehow I went from making things- to being a teacher and then teaching Scripture for 25 years and a question answerer. (like the above 189 questions) with more to come. Somehow for me, God made lemons into lemonade!! Jesus does know what is going to happen tomorrow. (see Q65.) and he has been known to save little children from death, but not al of them. We humans are given a choice to be good or bad. Many are bad, but many more are good and in between bad and good things happen to all people. Experiencing trouble makes many people very compassionate and helpful. Other people seem to make trouble-just to make trouble. Who puts viruses into computers? Bad people. We all have a choice to do good or bad. And as for us humans, only a loving brilliant creator could create the human body. It is so incredibly complex and beautiful at the same time. And 7,000,000,000 faces and no two are exactly the same. That did not come about by evolution! And,the ‘Good News’. I recently read of an aid group meeting in some place to discuss ‘need among poor people’. One non-Christian asked the missionary: “What can you offer these people that we can’t?” The missionary replied “Forgiveness.” People need a ‘Peaceful’ conscience, free from the shame of guilt and regret. God can do that for us as no other ‘god’ can. Some people have such a load of hidden shame and regret that some even suicide to be free of it. Others worry and fret in shame at what they have done in the past. God came to offer ‘Forgiveness’ to us. He came in the form of Jesus. Quite a few prisoners in our jails have time to ‘think’. They read the Bible and get the whole picture of Jesus, who he was and why He came to the earth. They ‘Get converted’ there and begin a new direction in their lives- and never return to crime. Others are not sorry for their crime, get out eventually,but resume a life of crime,as they did before,and back to jail! Mrs Arnold was about to jump out of the third floor Homeswest flat(Unit) and suicide. My visit stopped her. She said: “Well-God must have sent you – I was just about to jump out of the window and kill myself.” She talked non-stop for 45 minutes and I had no chance to tell her that someone actually did send me- but I have to assume it was one of God’s angels telling me: “Go.”(I didn’t tell her I didn’t want to see her!) Being ‘Spoken to’: I have met one lady three times-but also to hear her tell her story. The story is of a 22 year old, quite beautiful girl,lost on a child’s canoe(bunca)in the wild South China Sea for three days and two nights- including tropical storms at night. She was ‘spoken to’ by an unseen male voice ten or twenty times!! Yes indeed she was – and scared to death too-and was quite sure she was going to die. She did not die. Three angels kept watch over her the second night. Her book: A Mighty Termpest,by Michelle Hamilton is truly incredible reading. Jonah Ministries can be found on the www.jonahministries. Her story could not have been made up- it is just too incredible-and her book is ‘hard to put down’. I have read it twice and heard her tell it three times. She is a ‘Good looker’and blond too- and the fishermen who rescued her thought she was: ’...an Americano mermaid’- no, just one very lost girl in the middle of the ocean. So I know of nobody having Jesus ‘talk’ to them. A ‘voice’ yes, but not saying who he was, but may have been Jesus himself. The written word in the Bible has ample directions to help us to know the way to live and so on. We do need to read the Bible for directions. There is much guidance there. As a youngster your biological mum and dad share the way you look. Later:’You are what you eat.’ Meaning if you live on ‘fast food’ you could look half alive and overweight while your liver and kidneys try to get rid of the ‘rubbish’ you have pumped into it- but it tastes so good. (it tastes so good because your body is not allowed to try good pure food that makes your body, and your eyes sparkle). Look closely at our Aussie athletes- the hockey team,the swimmers, runners and all the others. “Do you imagine they can be world champions living on ‘Junk food’?” No Sireeee! On the other hand if a child is abused in any way (sexual, physical or emotional) how can they ‘Put on a happy face’ when they feel awful in their heart? Some, maybe most, take to alcohol to dull the pain in their heart. Playing music can help a lot if it is possible when the heart is aching;but not everyone can take up music because it mostly costs money. And dress: Who do you dress to impress? Your mum, Dad, employer,best friend, a boy or girl you want to attract? Our dress and attitude tell other people what we are, want,or hope to be. King David deeply trusted God and, as a teenager, killed Goliath,the giant loudmouth, with a stone from his slingshot- the stone sunk into his forehead.( no brain to stop it!)This is recorded in 1 Samuel chapter 17 verses 26 to 53. The Bible does not record any prayer of David then; but his mind and words tell us that he must have said a prayer of some sort in his mind as this teenager ran towards Goliath with his stones and his slingshot- towards a three metre tall giant. David wrote most of the Psalms about God whom he loved so much. David was no angel-he sinned plenty, but he knew that God knew his every thought. He wrote: “O lord you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely O Lord. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,too lofty for me to attain.(Psalm 139 verses 1- 6 ) This writer,(The Answerer) had an experience last year (details forgotten, sorry) where I added up some unusual happenings when some things went ’My way’. I did not profit financially but it was unusually good in that I figured that God must have known my thoughts and heard my prayers.I do feel silly at not remembering the details.(if I remember it I’ll put it on this site later). Then the Elder went on to say that because they suffered greatly, God would reward them greatly because their suffering was for the sake of being Christians and they had remained faithful, in spite of much suffering. So some will wear white, maybe for special occasions,the special ones I guess. But our dress is not mentioned as of any real importance.( I do look good in green!) I cannot imagine the residents ’Up there’ dressing as we do ‘Down here’ with fashion changes and all that. It will be good, because whatever we wear Moses has been doing it for 3,000 years. So ordinary clothes will not do! (I wonder if Moses followed fashions, if they are there) The book sold in the millions, yes indeed it did. The author decided to put into practice “What would Jesus Do.” in all his daily decision making. Well he never went to jail, robbed banks, ‘Mugged’ innocent people, insulted anyone and always told the truth. AND,I guess he memorised ‘The Ten Commandments’. Our modern ‘liberated’ world slowly ceased thinking about the idea and it sort of hangs around in the initials WWJD on pencils and rubbers- sold only in Christian shops. Too inconvenient for most, but others often pause to think it through when in a quandary. Others do much of it automatically and others are selfish and do bad things and wonder why they are not satisfied and are unhappy. We are given a choice to do as we want-and in doing that we choose our consequences too, the good,or the not-so-good. This is hard to comprehend that God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit are one. A bit like water can be in three forms: solid, liquid or gas... or ice, water and vapour (steam or mist)are all the same stuff. The Christian religion has no images, statues or things one can touch and see. Some ‘Icons’ are made because, I think, some people need something they can actually see and even touch-it helps some folk. The Bible does not mention them as necessary. God said to Hagar, (after a fight with her mistress Sarah) and Hagar had run away: “Return to your mistress and act as you should, for I will make you into a great nation. Yes you are pregnant and your baby will be a son,and you are to name him Ishmael(God hears),because God has heard your woes.This son of yours will be a wild one-free and untamed as a wild ass! He will be against everyone ,and everyone will feel the same towards him. But he will live near the rest of his kin.“ (Genesis Chapter 16;verses 9 to 12). So Ishmael began the Islamic or Arab religion. The Bible does not say that God directed him to do so. Islam is the second biggest religion in the world. Hinduism ,Buddism ,Sikhism, and many others, I believe, were not created by God, but by men. So-Jesus has gone to prepare a place for the 12 disciples. (that would be a small family indeed). No, it’s for everyone who loves and follows Jesus. And in the last part of the Bible John writes of a vision he had and messages he heard.: “I saw a new heaven and a new earth.....(and) I heard a loud voice shout from the throne: God’s home is now with his people. He will live with them, they will be his own. Yes, God will make his home among his people. He will wipe all tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death, suffering, crying, or pain. These things of the past are gone forever.”(Revelation Chapter 21: verses 1to 4) So – no crying, no suffering and no more death. Who could want more? Be sure you are there. Not to be infatuated! Big difference.(My 1998 Collins dictionary and thesaurus says: infatuated: ‘foolishly enamoured’-and the Thesaurus bit: beguiled, besotted, bewitched, captivated, obsessed, and fascinated. (1998 ed.) All these can seem like being in love, so do be careful because often the opposite sex can be so fascinating that people confuse love with infatuation. I believe God made us to fall in love (fortunately,not all with the same one) because that is part of the wonderful time of growing up. Can often be confusing, even frightening too. Only fools rush into it without thinking carefully. There is a story in the Bible that exposes infatuation. A guy fell for a girl and is sick with ‘love’ for her and contrives to have sex with her- then he strongly despises her. (The story is in 2 Samuel chapter 13 verses 1 to 39). It is a story of false love (infatuation) rape, hate, shame, disgrace for the girl and later murder of the guy. It happens today. We must choose carefully who to marry. There is quite a Bible ‘Soap Opera’ in that chapter 13. Note well: “If a guy tells a girl who likes him very much- but will not have sex with him:“If you really loved me you would.”(have sex). THAT’S BLACKMAIL! He does not really love you-and is putting himself first-not the one he says he ‘loves’! So-take care. N.B. If a person truly loves someone, they will never pressure that person to do something they don’t want to do. This is dangerous in some Muslim lands where converting from Islam to Christianity can result in loss of job, being expelled from family and community-or death.I kid you not, people get killed quite often for ‘converting’ to Christianity. Thinkers are rare in some communities. Most do not like to change, or will not change their ways. It takes time and real effort. I thank God for thinkers. We need ‘em! There is a question above: “What is the meaning of life?” (172). Such things do not bother most people- they think it is too much trouble and think:“I’ll just wait and see, I’ll take what luck offers and hope for the best.” Well, they live, sleep, drink, have fun and decide not to think about death and what lies beyond death. That’s gambling with the highest stakes I can think of. Moses has been dead–in heaven- with Jesus, for 3,000 years and came back once to be with Jesus. Peter, James and John saw it all.(Matthew Ch.17:verses 1 to 17). If you asked me:”How come you think Christianity is the true ‘religion’?”, I would ask you to read the gospel of John, or Luke who was a doctor- an educated man. Read it carefully from beginning to the end while by yourself. Then think about who Jesus was, what he did and how come he could do things nobody else has ever done. And is his resurrection from the tomb to life again in three days, exactly as he said he would, true or false? And another question:”After 2,012 years were Jesus and his 12 disciples mad–or is it all true?” Then compare what you read with the vague and negative ideals of all the other ‘religions’ in the world and see if love, healing of the mind, caring for others and what if everybody followed ‘The ten Commandments?’. What sort of world would we have. A lot depends on what, and how, you think. “God bless.” Those who go there get it all. We do live forever and the ‘Second life’ is in a ‘Spiritual body’ same as Jesus had when he visited the 12 disciples-after he rose from the tomb. On those two occasions Jesus just appeared-having come through a wall with a locked door. That happened twice. Thomas,(his nickname was Doubting Thomas) who was not there the first time refused to believe that it was really Jesus. He wanted to see the nail marks in his hands and where the spear had pierced Jesus’ side. Then,on the second occasion Thomas was there,saw and the marks and he believed. That record is in John Chapter 20 verses 19 to 29. These are, to me, marvellous words from Jesus, when on the second time when Thomas was there, saw the nail marks and believed,Jesus said:”Thomas, do you have faith because you have seen me? The people who have faith in me without seeing me are the ones who are really blessed.” (John 20: verse 29) So you see, some need to see and be sure. Others know by hearing it,thinking about it and then believing.That’s faith. About the ‘second life’ bit. Paul wrote to reassure and to encourage the church people at Thessalonica about death and the ‘Second coming of Christ’. Paul had been a strict Jew, an ‘Upper class’ Pharisee and well respected. He hunted down Christians after Jesus went to heaven and had authority to have them chained and taken to Jerusalem for trial and probably death. He got ‘Converted’-did a ‘U Turn’- when Jesus spoke to him from the sky and Paul became a great evangelist for the Christian cause. He had a very high IQ! Read about it in Acts Chapter 9;Verses 1 to 31 ) One of his letters is to the church at Thessalonica tells of heaven when we die: “ And now, dear brothers, I want you to know what happens to a Christian when he dies so that when it happens, you will not be full of sorrow,as those are who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and then came back to life again,we can also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him all the Christians who have died. I can tell you this directly from the Lord: that we who are still living when the Lord returns will not rise to meet Him ahead of those who are in their graves. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a mighty shout and with the soul–stirring cry of the Archangel and the great trumpet-call of God. And the believers who are dead will be the first to rise to meet the Lord. Then we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with Him forever. So comfort and encourage one another with these words.” (First Thessalonians , chapter 4: verses 13 to 18 The Living Bible) So there it is- a bit long for this answer- but 10,000 years is just the beginning of eternity with God in heaven. What we will do there I know not- maybe fly across to other galaxies as a missionary? We are not told, but I’ll bet Moses and all other believers do not go to a Bible study every morning and sing hymns all day. ‘No Sir.’ There’ll be something far better. The worst are poachers in Africa who kill rhinoceroses just to cut off their horns to collect big money, like $10,000 a kilo from buyers who believe that ground up rhino horn is good medicine for many sicknesses and makes men have better sex. And worse still, maybe soon, the only rhinos left will be in captivity(the rhino horn is made of keratin- the same stuff as our hair and fingernails!) Better sex from keratin-rubbish! Next: some Asian tigers are killed for their body parts, which are regarded as good medicine and are readily bought by herbalists Asian for sale. In more civilised countries cattle, sheep, lambs, goats,camels, horses,fish and such are killed for meat to sell in the local butchers shop and supermarkets for pets and people. Some people just hate the trade and refuse to eat meat. Japan slaughters thousands of Minkie whales each year; maybe that’s what you are thinking about. That ‘slaughter’ causes many people to be unhappy. So the ‘Sea Shepherd Society’ gathers money from caring people and go down into the Southern ocean with a ship or two to harass (bother) the Japanese whaling ships and cause the Japanese to kill a lot fewer whales. The Japanese say that they are killing the whales for:”Scientific purposes.” Not many believe them. Jesus ate lamb and fish. Before Jesus came the Jews killed cattle, sheep, lambs and goats as a sacrifice to God for their sins. Strict methods as to how, are written in the Bible. And most of them were eaten for food too. Below are several examples of greed-it is a curse-and I am so glad there will be a “Judgement day’ later. As example: the giant chocolate makers in the world- there are only half a dozen really big ones, dominate the prices paid to cocoa producers in West Africa: Ghana, Ivory Coast and so on. Kids aged 6 years to grown ups have to miss out on school to cut down cocoa pods from the trees to make enough money to live, but not enough for school fees. They cut them open, dry the beans on a cloth on the ground, then sell them for whatever price the market offers. You cannot make chocolate They live in simple huts with no running water, no proper toilets, no electricity and NO air conditioning in a hot tropical climate!! They are all very poor. The beans go into the back door of the giant chocolate makers factories at–say 30 cents a kilo-and come out the front gate at $30.00 to $50.00 a kilo. ‘WE’ rich people in rich countries have the money to buy it too, but are happy to not care about the growers in Africa. OIL: Seven giant oil companies control the production, price, shipping , refining and sale of most of the world’s oil. In Nigeria 90% of people are very poor. Nigeria has huge deposits of oil, but only the rich and very corrupt people get any. The giant oil companies of course get the most. Those companies get so much money that oil, in some countries, has got the name “The curse of oil.” Why? Because money brings out the worst in people with power and the ‘little people’ get almost nothing. And when the oil runs out that country has nothing to show for it like hospitals, schools, roads and railways. FOOD: Again giant companies are able to beat down the price they pay farmers for cattle, lambs,chickens, eggs, pork, tomatoes, wheat, beans ,sugar etc,etc. In my town Perth, and in much of Australia, two giant grocery companies keep farmers poor by refusing to pay the farmer a good price for milk, veggies and fruit and we get it cheaper- but farmers never get enough money for their work. And the farmer or growers have the risk of no crop at all if the weather turns bad. FARMERS NEVER GET RICH! I know a lot and they do not drive Mercs, BMWs or even Rollers. Those cars are for folk who “Play the market” for big profits in the cities and take no risks. This is all over much of the world. The discussions about prices and who gets the money etc., goes on in company board rooms-behind the closed doors-of giant food trading companies and the price is manipulated to make huge profits for big companies. Get the book ‘Fast Food nation’ to see how it is all done- by men in nice suits, shirts and ties with families and so on. Thieves and robbers are many of them. That book in about the USA-but it applies to much of the world. The book is cheap and easy to read. Ask your local library to get it. On one page there is listed what ‘Imitation strawberry flavour’ is made of. Fifty ingredients make it up-48 chemicals with cinnamon and vodka. There’s no real strawberries in it at all! And what do those chemicals do to your body? I know not!! I am on my ‘Soap box’ now. If you later- or mum or dad now- want to know the truth on these matters here are two books to read: A Century of War. Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order, 2011, By F. William Engdahl. From this book I learnt just why the world’s ‘Poor’ are poor. The world’s giant bankers ‘Rip them off’ so they cannot buy essential medicines, mostly because of high interest rates on loans and manipulation of the worlds resources.(oil & food) The other, perhaps more frightening is SURVIVING THE CATACLYSM, Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History 3rd Edition,2011, by Webster Griffin Tarpley. These are quite ‘Heavy’ to read,but in these two books are the facts behind most of the worlds troubles mentioned in your question, and they are many. May you become one of the people who learn the truth-you’ll never get it from the TV news. “Thank you again for the question.” May the whole world know about it soon. I included those two books because this writing is going on the WWW and I hope more people can know about such wrong things. Some babies are born deformed, or with a disability- some severe, some mild and some with an intellectual disability, many of those die early. Most babies are born OK. Others get killed in motor car accidents or collisions. Others are murdered, some are even poisoned because they tell too much of things they should not tell- like exposing corruption. Many are killed in wars. Nobody wins in wars – except the makers of guns, bombs, rifles and so on. But most wars are planned to achieve certain gains- or profits for big organisations. I kid you not! Others die because they :”Dig their own grave with a knife and fork”. They eat too much, get very fat, get sick and die younger. Others smoke and drink too much. But,the Bible says”..a man’s life is 70 years- 80 if he is fortunate.” It is normal to die between 80 and 100 years- that’s how God planned it. Then we can go to heaven to be with God for ever and ever-if we choose to. Moses has been there for 3,000 years! The 12 disciples for 2,000 years. Heaven is not compulsory-you can choose to go where God is not if you care to- with people who are the same. This writer ‘The Answerer’ is looking forward to dying. (but I don’t want to be there when it happens – it might hurt).Truly, 39 years in a wheelchair, and over 80 years old- I really have had enough- in a nice way. My Mum got to be 100 years. She said to me once: “Oh Peter, I’m so tired- I would just like to go to sleep and not wake up.” She did, at 100 years plus 3 months. It heaven now. I have only heard of a few older people who want to get to 150 or more. I reckon they had no nagging sickness, plenty of money and never stopped to see the poverty, sickness and pain that many people have to live with every day. I believe we all are good at something, and sometimes do not find out about it till later in life. Richard Branson:(Virgin air, Virgin records, etc, etc.) has much trouble reading and understanding things we find easy. I heard that he is dyslectic- finds it very hard to read what we find easy. In a board meeting of one of his companies he did not understand what ‘net’ and ‘gross’ was. An understanding friend took him out to the kitchen, and on a pair of scales showed him that ‘Gross’ was the total weight of (say) a loaded truck. ‘Net’(or tare) was the empty weight of the truck. Then he understood. Richard sure does know how and what makes a business succeed. Maybe a stupid teacher told him once that he was no good at reading, writing or spelling. Who’s the millionaire, successful,and always happy guy now? Richard Branson! This writer ‘The Answerer’ was no genius as a kid. Very ordinary marks in all subjects, but did get 100% for spelling. Little did I know that at 45 years old I would be at university learning to be a teacher. I liked Yr 7 kids in schools- and 2013 will be my 25th. year teaching Scripture to Yr 7 kids. I love it. And it would seem that answering kids questions is a talent I have-but I did not know it- or it was given to me later. Dancing! When God gave out rhythm I must have been looking away or something. I have no rhythm. I took private lessons to learn The Modern Waltz for my wedding. I failed-could not ‘Hack it’-for my own wedding! Yes it was embarrassing. If you think you have none- be patient. Keep trying things and I believe that one day you’ll discover that you are very good at something. Christians use the word ‘Rapture’ because it describes how that event will be. i.e. When a singer, pop group, orchestra or solo piano player gives an outstanding performance the crowd give him/her ‘Rapturous applause’ and sometimes they all stand up-because it was so very, very good. So the ‘Rapture’ will be very joyful for Christians. Paul describes the event for some Christians in Thessalonica who were worried that some of them had died before Jesus ‘Came back’ as he had told his disciples that He would. To put their minds at rest Paul wrote this :”And now, dear brothers, I want you to know what happens to a Christian when he dies so that when it happens, you will not be full of sorrow, as those are who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and then came back to life again, we can also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with Him all the Christians who have died. I can tell you this directly from the Lord:that we who are still living when the Lord returns will not rise to meet Him ahead of those who are in their graves. For the Lord himself (Jesus)will come down from heaven with a mighty shout and the soul-stirring cry of the archangel and the great trumpet-call of God. And the believers who are dead will be the first to rise to meet the Lord. Then we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and remain with Him forever. So comfort one another with these words.”(1 Thessalonians.Chapter 4: verses 13 to 18) The Living Bible.) Don’t dismiss Paul as a fool. He was highly intelligent and a member of ‘The best groups in town’.He was a ‘Professional Envoy’ from Jerusalem, given authority to round up any Christians he could find-and they mostly went in chains- to Jerusalem to jail or death. His life did a ‘U turn’ and he became God’s chosen person to spread the “Good News’ about Jesus. That’s in Acts Chapter 9. It is known as ‘A Damascus Road Experience’ and is still used in sports commentaries about players and coaches and people whose lives take a ‘U’turn. I believe that ‘The Rapture’ could be around the same time as ‘Judgement Day’. That is in Matthew Ch. 25:verses 31 to 46. Please note: There is some difference of opinion among Christians as to the exact sequence of ‘The Rapture’, ‘The Tribulation’ and ‘The Second Coming’ of Christ. Many ,many books have been written on those three events- only God knows the exact timing of those events. An intelligent person will not put dates on it-that would be foolish-and neither does a careful Christian argue about who is right about it all. Have a read of Exodus Chapter 33 verses 1 to 23. In verse 11 it says :”Inside the tent the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend...”. But in verse 20 it says “But you may not see the glory of my face,for a man may not see me and live.” Later God allowed Moses to see His back as he passed by.(v 23). Seems confusing- but I refuse to try to fully understand it all- there’s too much other work to do. That was over 3,000 years ago and as far as I know, nobody has had a chance to see God’s face-except maybe those who have died in an out-of body-experience-and later came back to life. So do not worry about it if you are afraid. I am glad you wrote ‘since He is everywhere’. He truly is everywhere. All the idols, and the 30,000 Indian, and other gods are made of stone, wood, gold and so on, but they are man’s creations and cannot talk or help as the true God can. This God of the bible can be everywhere because He is omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent. (look those up in a good dictionary). This God has countless angels to carry out his will too if He chooses to. The Egyptian army drowning in the sea is another.(Exodus Ch. 14; verses 1-31). God also killed his own people too. Yes indeed. Strange you may think. God had warned the Israelites to obey his specific commands and directions but many flatly refused and had forgotten the great things God had done for them. A good number of them died. As soon as they repented (were sorry) and did right, all was well. Some people do need to ‘be taught a lesson’ and God’s punishment, even death, was a part of it. It might be repeated again in our time if some ‘Christian’ nations are not careful. Some say that Australia is a ‘Post Christian’ nation now. Many Aussies pay little heed to God and the Bible- but NOT ALL! I think God did a great job with the oceans. You can see some of its glorious beauty with a snorkel,face mask and flippers close to shore in many places in the ocean. Just so beautiful! *Teems, is a good word to describe the oceans God created. I find it a great shame, a tragedy, that the oceans that people have fished with much joy for hundreds of years, are now ‘teeming’ with plastic. Millions of tonnes of plastic that breaks down eventually and kills birds, fish, turtles and sharks. Only humans ‘foul’ their own nest! Animals treat this planet better than so called ‘intelligent’ human beings. Do you agree? It is important that this answer includes homosexuals-and homosexuals who engage in homosexual sex. They are different. Homosexuals and lesbians are created along with all other humans who may be different to most e.g. God told Moses to go and confront the Pharaoh of Egypt and demand that he let the Israelites go from slavery in Egypt. Moses didn’t want to go. “Moses said ’O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue. The Lord said to him. “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I the Lord. Now go; I will help you speak and teach you what to say.” (Genesis Ch. 4 verses 10 to 12) I have never heard a preacher talk on that subject; people who are disabled and different, homosexuals included. It may be just too difficult a subject to talk about They are different, but God loves them all. A few thoughts from me,‘The Answerer’, about disability in a family. I am now 80 years on, have been in a wheelchair for 39 years after a fall at home. I was for seven years a teacher in ‘Special Education’ which is education for kids with disabilities of many kinds. I have observed that people who are not disabled, always healthy, have a reasonable job and enjoy ‘having fun’ know nothing of hardship. They mostly, do not know what it is like to be in hospital for weeks or months on end, always having to be careful to not fall or injure oneself, so they often get to be uncaring of others and even careless, drive like hell and often drink far too much. Other people can know what pain is, have long spells in hospital and are unable to enjoy life-to be FREE! These people, often the parents, truly care for others, are compassionate and never inflict pain or put others at risk. So- having disabled people around may be a part of God’s plans for people to be caring and learn compassion for those less fortunate. No child, or adult, wants to be disabled in any way. However the practise of homosexuality is condemned in scripture. In the ‘Rules’ in Leviticus it says :”Do not lie with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.” (Leviticus Chapter 18; verse 22) A different translation reads: “Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin” (Lev.18:22 The Living Bible). That is homosexual sexual activity. The heathen Canaanites were a very wicked people and seemed to love doing what was wrong and that included a great deal of homosexual sex. God was angry with them and destroyed the city of Sodom with fire. It’s quite a story.(Genesis Ch.19:verses 1-29) That’s where the word Sodomy and Sodomites comes from. Be warned if you are inclined that way. God is not mocked and homosexual sex he cannot approve of. I believe a homosexual or lesbian should refrain from sexual activity- because God can see everything. And the Bible says many times that we will all stand before God to answer for our wrongdoing and that includes deliberate sins of ANY SORT! We all are guilty of some sort of sin. Some ‘Banksters’,bad ‘Financial advisors’, and various financial swindlers are all sinners too. There is no exemption for certain sins. Only God has the ability and power to forgive them, and He will forgive us-if we ask Him to. That is guaranteed. See (1 John 1:9) ‘God bless’. A mirth moment: In the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah God told Lot and his family to “...flee, and do not look back.”(to see the fire from heaven). Well the Bible says that Lot’s wife did look back and “...turned into a pillar of salt”. Joke: Bill Smith’s wife was out driving and saw a new shop so she turned her head and looked back. She turned into a lamp post. Crunch!! All bible references are from The Living Bible,Tyndale House Publishers, 1974, The New International Version, 1978,New York International Bible Society; and The Bible For Today(Contemporary English Version, The Bible Society in Australia 1995),and THE NEW ENGLISH BIBLE. Oxford University press, 1961. Q181: ”I wonder what heaven looks like?”
Q182: “Mr Harris do you believe in reincarnation and why.”
Q182: “Mr Harris do you believe in reincarnation and why.”
Q183: “What horrible things do you have to do to go to hell?”
Q183: “What horrible things do you have to do to go to hell?”
Q184: “Why do we go to heaven or hell.”
Q184: “Why do we go to heaven or hell.”
Q185: “Has Jesus done anything wrong in his life?”
Q185: “Has Jesus done anything wrong in his life?”
Q186: “Sexual\ What has God done wrong in his life?”
Q186: “Sexual\ What has God done wrong in his life?”
Q187: “Why do we die if God loves us soooo much?”
Q187: “Why do we die if God loves us soooo much?”
Q188: “What sort of people go to Hell.”
Q188: “What sort of people go to Hell.”
Q189: “Why do we have to die.” And “Why do bad things happen?” and.”Why does God let children die?”
Q189: “Why do we have to die.” And “Why do bad things happen?” and.”Why does God let children die?”
Q190: ”Why does God exist?”
Q190: ”Why does God exist?”
Q191: “Why doesn’t God come and talk to the people on the earth?” and “Mr Harris have you ever had Jesus talk back to you when you pray?”
Q191: “Why doesn’t God come and talk to the people on the earth?” and “Mr Harris have you ever had Jesus talk back to you when you pray?”
Q192: Who picks the way we look?”
Q192: Who picks the way we look?”
Q193: “How does God know when your talking to him?”
Q193: “How does God know when your talking to him?”
Q194: “In heaven does everyone wear white?”
Q194: “In heaven does everyone wear white?”
Q195: “How do you know there’s a heaven?”
Q195: “How do you know there’s a heaven?”
Q196: “Does God choose what you do?”
Q196: “Does God choose what you do?”
Q197: “Did God live on earth?”
Q197: “Did God live on earth?”
Q198: “Did God create the different religions?”
Q198: “Did God create the different religions?”
Q199: “Why did God create us?” and “Why did God create the world?”
Q199: “Why did God create us?” and “Why did God create the world?”
Q200: ”Is heaven like we live now?”
Q200: ”Is heaven like we live now?”
Q201: ”Why do people fall in love?”
Q201: ”Why do people fall in love?”
Q202: “Why do people believe in other religions.”
Q202: “Why do people believe in other religions.”
Q203: ”What happens when you die?” Do you just, like, live forever up there, or do you get a second life.”
Q203: ”What happens when you die?” Do you just, like, live forever up there, or do you get a second life.”
Q204: “Why do people slaughter animals?”
Q204: “Why do people slaughter animals?”
Q205: “Why are some people poor and some are wealthy and rich?”
Q205: “Why are some people poor and some are wealthy and rich?”
Q206: “What did God make before life and the world?”
Q206: “What did God make before life and the world?”
Q207: “Why do people die?”
Q207: “Why do people die?”
Q208: “Why do people have talent and people do not?”
Q208: “Why do people have talent and people do not?”
Q209: ”Will we all be raptured by God or Jesus?”
Q209: ”Will we all be raptured by God or Jesus?”
Q210: “Is it true if we see God we will die?”
Q210: “Is it true if we see God we will die?”
Q211: “How many Gods are there? since He is Every where.”
Q211: “How many Gods are there? since He is Every where.”
Q212: “Why does God kill people?”
Q212: “Why does God kill people?”
Q213: “How many kids did Adam and Eve have?
Q213: “How many kids did Adam and Eve have?
Q214: “Did God create penguins?”
Q214: “Did God create penguins?”
Q215: “What does God think about Homosexuals? P.S. and Lesbians”
Q215: “What does God think about Homosexuals? P.S. and Lesbians”