Favourite Passages

These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.

Who will speak up for Australia's children?

Happy kids ~ everyone's responsibility!


As this website begins to change to


Consider what you can do to provide for

and protect the children you love and care for?



If you are a parent - tell your children today that:

You love them!

You are proud of them!

They are most important in your life?



Surveys suggest that the 'Quality Time" parents spend with their children - is minutes compared to the influences of media, technology, social networking & their time during their education.


Kids just got started on earth, to start them worrying about heaven yet, eh?

We are here to help all who work with children by -

Equipping parents

Resourcing Churches

Training children’s workers

Use our Contact Page to email Graham about needs that you have in children's ministry.

He encourages contact from parents with needs - for your own family!


Children are the largest unreached

people group in the world.

2.1 billion children in the world

are waiting to hear about Jesus.